


時計技師ハリソンとキャンベル提督について検索していたところ、前者の子孫による伝記 Memoirs of a Trait in the Character of George III. of these United Kingdoms, Google Books を発見。キャンベル艦長(後に提督)について興味深い記述が色々とあり、たとえばニューファンドランド総督の任期中にキャンベル提督が行ったクロノメーターの実証試験について曰く、

Admiral Campbell was on his return from Newfoundland, with a fleet of men of war; and having a Timekeeper by Mudge with him, carried a press of sail in the night as they were approaching the Scilly Rocks to the great dismay of the other Commanders, who, their reckonings being up, were in dread every moment of the fate of Sir Cloudesly Shovel [sic]. (176n)



On the 29th of October (1785) we left St. Johns with a thundering gale right aft. A merchant who had never been out of St. John’s harbour took a passage for England. We had a tremendous sea following that almost turned his brain with horror. One sea that measured heights with the mizen peak had a prodigious effect upon him, and with a look I cannot describe, he called out, ‘ Lord, Lord, Lord, Have mercy on me, and pray do let go the anchor! ’ His bawling out so horribly, frightened the man at the wheel so that the ship was in danger of broaching to. This gale lashed us on at a devil of a rate, and we had 294 and 296 knots on the log in 24 hours. Our passage was very short as far as the Lizard, when the wind shifted to the eastward, and I think it was nineteen days before we arrived at Spithead . . . . (Gardner 43; emphasis added)

The Admiral has often mentioned a circumstance relative to my Father's Time-keeper . . . . [and] when he had just completed the voyage [from Newfoundland to England], he one evening told some gentlemen belonging to his ship, that if it was fine weather the next morning they would see the Lizard. At this time they were going at a considerable rate, there being a brisk gale of wind, and it actually happened on the next morning, as the Admiral had foretold, for they really did discover the Lizard. But the accuracy with which the reckoning was kept on board the other ships fell very far short of the reckoning Admiral Campbell, by the assistance of my Father's Time-keeper, had been enabled to keep on board his; for he learnt from their officers, when they got into port, that on the evening when he foretold the discovery of land the next morning, their reckonings were up, and it was a matter of fear and astonishment to see him continue the same rate of sailing, as they expected every minute to be on shore. (Mudge 12n; emphasis added)

I am not certain whether it was this year [1784] or the next, when about 60 leagues to the SW of Scilly we were covered in the night with a flock of crows and caught several. (Gardner 42)

(上記はそれぞれ、 James Anthony Gardner, Recollections of James Anthony Gardner, 1906, Internet Archive と Thomas Mudge, A Narrative of Facts Relating to Some Time-keepers, Constructed by Mr. Thomas Mudge, for the Discovery of the Longitude at Sea, 1792, Cambridge University Digital Library からの引用)

また艦は24時間で約295ノットつまり平均時速約12ノット(時速約22km)出たとのこと。通常よりも3、4倍ほどの速さ?(cf. 18th century sailing times between the English Channel and the Coast of America: How long did it take? | Royal Museums Greenwich



"What the devil would they have?" (Mudge 15n)



